Maddy MillerMajor: Communication Sciences & Disorders
What is your first memory of being really excited? Probably going to school- I loved going to school as a kiddo! Who is your hero? My parents, of course... but I also admire anyone who has ever showed life who's boss. What three items would you take with you on a deserted island? Food, definitely food...probably a pal to keep me company... and a boat (with GPS). |
What is the first song that pops up on your favorite Pandora or Spotify station? Pentatonix Christmas songs
Which celebrity are you constantly mistaken for? Taylor Swift? (Only because I wish I could sing and I know zero celebrities by name...) If a genie gave you three wishes, what would they be? I would make the world healthier, happier, and kinder. |
What is your favorite part about the Spectrum Project? A short answer? The kids. I love being able to contribute to filling their lives with new, sometimes unimaginable opportunities. Plus, they make my Saturdays brighter!