Allie MarchesanoMajor: English Education Hometown: Des Moines What is your first memory of being really excited? I was so excited to go trick or treating in my bee costume. My mom wanted just one more picture, she got a grumpy bumble bee. What would be the scariest monster you could imagine? A monster made of spiders What three items would you take with you on a deserted island? Item #1: A copy of the Princess Bride Item #2: Multi-tool
Item #3: canteen
What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten? Alligator What is your favorite home cooked meal? Chicken Tacos What are some small things that make your day better? The campus squirrels What’s something you’ve been meaning to try but just haven’t gotten around to it? Sculpting with polymer clay What’s the best way a person can spend their time? Laughing
What do you want to be when you “grow up”? A professor
What is the first song that pops up on your favorite Pandora or Spotify station? Morph by Twenty one Pilots What’s the best single day on the calendar? Aug 8th- National Cat Day Which celebrity are you constantly mistaken for? No one If a genie gave you three wishes, what would they be? Wish #1: A cat Wish #2: Another cat
Wish #3: one more cat
What are you looking forward to in this year's Spectrum Project? Seeing old and new smiling faces!